Cheam Camera Club
Travel Expenses Policy
All Club activities are undertaken voluntarily by members and this inevitably involves some travel to external locations which members cover at their own cost. This includes travel to Club committee and sub committee meetings, to the Club Exhibition and other events involved in running the Club.
However, there are occasions when an individual member has to travel to an external location to represent the Club or on behalf of the Club to enable the club to take part in an activity agreed by the committee. This can include taking prints or other equipment to an external competition, travelling on behalf of the Club for training or representing the Club at an officers or other meeting of the SPA and FSLPS including an AGM.
The personal financial circumstances of members varies and members should not be financially compromised by Club duties nor feel discouraged from taking on Club duties for financial reasons.
The Club therefore considers that in certain defined situations, travel expenses may be claimed.
Circumstances in which Travel Expenses may be claimed
– for essential travel to an external location to represent the club at an event that benefits the Club such as SPA and FSLPS AGMs, Officers and Representatives Meetings and essential training courses.
– in order to transport competition prints to an external location, or to attend an external PDI competition where this is required by the host organisation
-in order to transport equipment to an external location to run an event on behalf of the Club such as Match an Image
In the event of more than one person having to travel, such as for an away Match an Image competition, the essential members should car share where possible. Supporters are always welcome but travel at their own cost.
If the journey fulfils the criteria above then any parking or congestion charge may also be claimed.
In the event of public transport being used, a claim for standard class travel only is allowed.
Claims Procedure
For travel by car, mileage to be recorded from home to destination and return by the most practical route. This should usually be the most direct route but in the event of road works, volume of traffic and other impediments, the most practical route to get to the destination in time should be used. Reasons for using a route other than the most direct one should be noted on the Claim Form.
In any dispute, the mileage from Google Maps should be the mileage claimed. Mileage may be claimed at current PAGB rates
Public transport standard class ticket to be submitted.
The Claim Form should be submitted to the Treasurer normally within 4 weeks of the event.
The claimant to agree with the Treasurer the method of reimbursement (cheque, bank transfer etc)
PAGB rates are currently 45p per mile.
The policy shall apply from the beginning of the 2018/2019 season.
Policy to be kept under review annually or more frequently if issues arise.
17 June 2018
Please click here to download the claim form.