On Monday 22nd January we have been invited to a friendly 3-way competition at Epsom CC between ourselves, Epsom CC and Tandridge Photographic Society. This event is on the programme on the website but not the hard copy version as we were invited after it was printed.
This is a PDI competition for non advanced members.
Below is a list of our entered images and their authors and comments from Graeme Wales, who is the Selection Committee lead, about their selection.
I encourage to go and observe the competition if you can and particularly those of you whose images will be shown as it is a different experience to see your images presented against those of another clubs and hear the critique in that setting. It is always interesting to meet members from other clubs too.
The judge is Don Morley who will score the images and the winning club is the one with the highest number of points.
The venue is:
Longmead Day Centre
Sefton Road
KT19 9HG
( off Longmead Road)
7:45 for 8:00pm
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